Monday, October 22, 2007

Strange Attraction

I am feeling an UNBELIEVABLE attraction to a guy I know. We had a bit of a thing this past winter. We didn't go very far, but it was really, really enjoyable. Unfortunately, it fizzled out -- or veered out of control, the way you look at it.

I'll be writing on that later.

First of all, his type is....different.

I have a type: tall, dark and skinny. And, of course, I like guys to be good-looking.

This guy is pretty good-looking. Not like a model or anything, but average-to-nice, and nice. As for my three specific criteria, two of these things he fulfills well. The other could not be FURTHER from the word.

Any guesses?

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Is it the last one? I always had the sneaking suspicion you were attracted to the Kenans of our world.