Saturday, October 14, 2006


First of all, I had the best time with Miranda and Carrie (and McRugby!) last night. What a night! It will surely go down in history.

Secondly, I am THRILLED that we happened to run into Giovanni, my super-Italian coworker that I've written about before. He's the one who is so freaking Italian, who wears the really tight but flared pants with the boat shoes and the tight button-downs and blazers. He's got wavy black hair and he's tall, just looking SOOOOOOOOO Italian!

He also has a tendency to high-five a little too often, as well as being a big fan of the thumbs-up sign at all times.

We've seen him now! You've met him in the flesh! And I want to know -- what did you think?


Miranda said...

Please see my post above.

Seriously, he's awesome. And I think you can over-look the excessive high fives. Those curls and that voice completley make up for it!

Carrie said...

I'm going to say with what I always say in these sorts of situations:

Tap that.

How'd y'all like McRugby?