Friday, November 09, 2007

Life Love Lessons from Sam Jones

Here are a few of the life lessons I've learned from relationships and other romantic interactions:

--If you're not attracted to him now, you never will be. Don't try to force it. Don't try to convince yourself that you'll make it work. It will not happen.

--Don't underestimate the importance of attraction. It is VITALLY important.

--Money does not buy happiness.

When you actually learn that lesson, it will be much more subtle than you think. For me, I thought it would be perfect -- we could get a great place in Boston, I'd never have to work, he'd make enough money....but I didn't love him. The situation would have been so good, and so comfortable, and I'd never have to worry. I'm so thankful I got out of that situation when I did.

--When you hate someone, that can often increase your attraction to him exponentially.

--Sometimes someone who isn't your type will surprise you.

--Don't cheat. It will haunt you every day for the rest of your life and make you doubt yourself every day.

I wish I could get over this. I've been punishing myself for nearly a year and a half.

--If he has a small dick, RUN FOR THE HILLS.

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